Tuesday, August 16, 2011

School Organization Bin

After lots of prayer and discussion, Hubby and I decided that homeschooling would be the best choice for the twins as they head into Kindergarten this year.  I'm still a bit anxious about balancing schooling and life with a toddler and newborn but I'm also really excited about this opportunity for our family.  I have spent the past couple days planning and was really excited to put an idea I found on pinterest into action.

In this bin I have a folder for each of our five school days, our current read aloud, teacher's guide, phonics guide and thinking skills workbooks.  I love that everything is all in one place and all I need to do is grab  things as we go.

1 comment:

  1. I love that! And for a bit of encouragement - you will do great! Truly! That curriculum leads itself and kindergarten should be fun and relaxed as it is. I pray you have a blessed school year with your kiddos.
