Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Frugal (Free) Storage Bins

I have been on a purge/declutter/organize rampage lately and tonight's victim was my laundry room.  I had a few things stored in some old Huggies boxes since we moved here (2 years ago) and when I chunked all that I decided to try to revamp the boxes.  They aren't exactly beautiful but they're functional and, even better, they cost me nada!  I sprayed the sides down with white spray paint and stuck a couple pieces of scrapbook paper to the front.  Easy peasy!

(I would LOVE to share before/after pics of the laundry room but unfortunately blogger isn't cooperating at the moment.  Hopefully I can get them up soon.)

1 comment:

  1. what a fantastically great idea! I never would have thought of that! I stick stuff in old diaper boxes all the time and end up moving it because well it's a diaper box.
